Postnatal yoga online & interactive

with Corinna Devta Kaur


The body has changed due to pregnancy and birth. Special exercises for the center of the body (back, shoulders&neck, abdomen, pelvic floor) counteract possible discomfort. The body is strengthened, stretched and tensions are released. 


The exercises can be done comfortably at home WITH or WITHOUT baby. 




The objective of the course is to strengthen body and mind and to consciously incorporate relaxation into everyday life. At the same time, the course serves as a place to meet and share.


When does it make sense to start postnatal exercises?

At the earliest 6-8 weeks (in the case of a normal delivery) or 8-12 weeks (in the case of a Caesarean section) after the birth. Re-education exercises make sense even years later if there are complaints in the middle of the body. These include a weak pelvic floor (e.g. incontinence), back problems, tense shoulders and neck or weak abdominal muscles.



-         Advantages of this course:


o I record the yoga class and you can catch up or repeat it at any time.


o Your baby is in familiar surroundings and usually calms down faster than in a strange place with lots of other moms and babies.


o Since your sound is turned off, your baby can babble or squeal without the other participants noticing.


o You don't need to pack a diaper bag and can't forget anything at home. 


New courses on an ongoing basis.

Course dates on request


5 dates each course.


Info: This is a fixed group with a maximum of 8 participants! 

Early registration is recommended due to the small group size.


Registration via contact form or e-mail